- break off action
- выход `ить из боя
выходить из боя (disengage, break off combat, break off the fight, break off action)
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.
Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.
break off — 1) PHR V ERG If part of something breaks off or if you break it off, it comes off or is removed by force. [V P] The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact... [V P n (not pron)] Grace broke off a large piece of the clay... [V n P … English dictionary
action — n. activity act 1) to initiate; take action; to go into action 2) to put smt. into action (we put our plan into action) 3) to prod, spur smb. into action 4) concerted, united; decisive; direct; disciplinary; drastic; emergency; hasty, rash;… … Combinatory dictionary
Off cutter — grip Bowling techniques Bowling strategy Fast bowling Seam bowling Swing bowling Medium pace bowling Spin bowling Finger spin Off spin Left arm orthod … Wikipedia
Action of 28 January 1945 — Part of the Second World War … Wikipedia
break — [brāk] vt. broke, broken, breaking [ME breken < OE brecan < IE base * bhreg > BREACH, BREECH, Ger brechen, L frangere] 1. to cause to come apart by force; split or crack sharply into pieces; smash; burst 2. a) … English World dictionary
break — breakable, adj. breakableness, n. breakably, adv. breakless, adj. /brayk/, v., broke or (Archaic) brake; broken or (Archaic) broke; breaking; n. v.t … Universalium
Off spin — Not to be confused with Spin off (disambiguation). Bowling techniques Bowling strategy Fast bowling Seam bowling Swing bowling Medium pace bowling Spin bowling Finger spin Off spin Left arm orthodox Wrist spin Leg spin … Wikipedia
break — [[t]breɪk[/t]] v. broke, bro•ken, break•ing, n. 1) to smash, split, or divide into parts violently 2) to disable or destroy by or as if by shattering or crushing: I broke my watch[/ex] 3) to violate or disregard (a law, promise, etc.) 4) to… … From formal English to slang
Off break — Bowling techniques Bowling strategy Fast bowling Seam bowling Swing bowling Medium pace bowling Spin bowling Finger spin Off spin Left arm orthodox Wrist spin Leg spin Left arm unorthodox … Wikipedia
break — 1. v. & n. v. (past broke or archaic brake; past part. broken or archaic broke) 1 tr. & intr. a separate into pieces under a blow or strain; shatter. b make or become inoperative, esp. from damage (the toaster has broken). c break a bone in or… … Useful english dictionary
Action Replay DS — Infobox VG title=Action Replay DS developer=Datel publisher=Datel released=August 2006 version=1.60 genre=Cheating platforms=Nintendo DS media=Game Card requirements=Nintendo DS input=D Pad, buttons, touch screenThe Action Replay DS (abbreviated… … Wikipedia